The art-form of traditional hand-drawn animation began well over 100 years ago. In that time great masterworks have been created and many amazing artists have emerged.
The "Golden Era" is said to be at the high point of the Disney and Warner Brothers studios in Hollywood, when America led the world by far. Now the U.S. is not even significantly in the 2D animation swim anymore, with the finest work being created by independent animators, worldwide.
2D ANIMAKERS seeks to link all those who have a passion for creating traditional 2D animation, or want to see it survive in a digital world which challenges it daily. Here we share and teach the best of the past with an innovative eye on the future. We also celebrate the best that all animation has to offer - though our DRAWTASTIC Animation Festival each year.
Membership to the 2D ANIMAKERS network is FREE, but by invitation only. So, if you want to join us, write to [email protected] for a personal invitation.
What you'll find here...
A free & dedicated social network platform, where animators can chat with animators and students can learn from professionals.
Free courses, interviews and podcasts, delivered by animators for animators.
Paid on-demand courses that can expand the knowledge and skill-sets of 2D animators everywhere, whether beginners or existing professionals.
Paid for live classes where students can learn from and be mentored by top professionals in any of the 2D disciplines that make or compliment a 2D animator.
A free annual animation festival that is free for members and celebrates the best animated film submitted - 2D or otherwise - presenting to the winners our coveted "Golden Pencil Awards".
A platform and showcase where anyone creating 2D animation can share and talk about their work.
So, why not join our unique network that celebrates animation "pencil pushers" everywhere - whether their pencils be traditional or digital!

2D ANIMAKERS: We definitely have all the right moves!
Proudly hosted by the 2D ACADEMY